Clergy Corner 


How Will You Be Quoted?

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, is an American reference book that remains the longest-lived and most widely distributed collection of quotations ever assembled. The book was first issued in 1855 and is currently in its nineteenth edition, last published in 2022. John Bartlett, who ran the University Book Store in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was frequently asked for information on quotations so he began a commonplace book of them for reference. Bartlett is generally accepted to have drawn the quotations from his own extensive reading and prodigious memory.  So, his commonplace book began. The book was so successful that Bartlett issued three more editions before joining the Boston publishing firm of Little, Brown and Company. Bartlett rose to be the senior partner of the firm and supervised nine editions of the work before his death in 1905, the work selling over 300,000 copies. 

People from all walks of life were able to look up the immortal sayings of famous and not so famous individuals who left their literary mark on the world since the written word began. Famous lines from books, essays, poems, speeches, words of wisdom and hope and humor, and even the Bible, cover every page, all arranged by the year of citation under the name of the author.  

For Mr. Bartlett, a lifetime of work has continued without pause to this day. For people who write a lot, a newer edition needs to be purchased every few years to add all the newer famous quotes the prior editions do not have.  My favorite quotes are from Mark Twain: "Be good and you will be lonesome." "Honor is a harder master than law."  "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." "Do your duty today and repent tomorrow."  “If we knew which babies would grow into famous people, we would worship the very cradles they were rocked in”.

 Yep, “this is a book that sits on many shelves”. (2023, Moody, from “Clergy Corner”). There, I’m published!  

But Bartlett’s book only fills the head, not the heart. I mostly write to fill the heart, so I listen to my heart more than my head when I write. Therefore, it’s important what I put into my heart. I only have one book that does that, filling my heart more than my head. That book does not sit on my bookshelf, but on my kitchen table and it’s my Bible. I’m it in every day. 

The Bible comes with a tutor, the Holy Spirit, to help me understand.  Bartlett’s comes with no tutor at all.  (Too expensive for Little, Brown, and Co. to supply one with every copy purchased). People who read their Bible every day have found that it’s not a book, but a friend.  It’s a direct connection to God, the One who loves us more than anything!

Right about now I would normally cite a great Bible verse and expand on it, you know, just to cement my point. I’m not going to do that today. I want to starve you and keep you hungry for more. I want you to go look up your famous Bible verse that once fed your heart and gave you hope. The risk I take is - will you do it?  Does your Bible sit on a bookshelf, or on your kitchen table, nightstand, on the front seat next to you in the car, in your hand as you enter church, or when you visit a friend to share how God most recently spoke to you?  “The Lord is my shepherd”. Take time to research what that means.  Don’t consult your head or Bartlett’s.  Look it up in your heart! Always pray asking God to speak to you before you read the Bible…He will.

I’m glad I was asked to write this, and I’m even gladder that you read this.  God’s word (Jesus) loves you more than you could ever love Him back!


De Colores!

Rev. Jack Moody, #355


Centering Prayer Workshop


Hi Cursillistas.


I invite you to join Toni Petersen (Cursillo #475), John Petersen (Cusillio #431) and myself, Anne Colloton (Cursillo #1024) at an Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop.  The three of us present the workshop on Saturday, June 3rd at East Bay Camp on the beautiful shores of Lake Bloomington, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.


Centering Prayer is a Christian form of silent prayer.  We call it Resting in God.  The workshop consists of an explanation of the history of Centering Prayer, a description of the prayer method, followed by practicing the prayer together.  We will discuss how to quiet (center) oneself and Toni, John, and I will share the fruits of the prayer we see in our daily lives.  Would your Cursillo small group consider joining us as an act of piety, study, or action?  For more information about the workshop and to sign up, please click on this link to go to our website at   


Thank you-Anne



Apostolic Hour/Clausura Coordinators Needed!




We have an immediate need for new coordinators for the Apostolic Hour and Clausura masses for each Cursillo weekend.  Duties include recruitment of assistants to participate in the masses (e.g. ushers, petition readers, and other roles), setup of the luminaries, and communication with others involved in the masses (e.g. music ministry).  This is a Cursillo Steering Committee assignment, so attendance at committee meetings is also expected.  Please contact Sean and Robin Poston at  or 309-533-3746  for details.

Ultreya Coordinator Needed!



We have an immediate need for this role.  Our next Ultreya typically is held in July, and we need help to organize this event and others moving forward.  The role involves partnering with local parishes to schedule the events and ensuring speakers and other volunteers are available to assist.  Cursillo leadership will assist with some aspects of the planning.  This is a Cursillo Steering Committee role, so participation in committee meetings is also expected.  Please contact Sean and Robin Poston at  or 309-533-3746 for more details.

Coordinators Needed


We have an urgent need for a Cursillista, Cursillo couple or reunion group to help in the following roles. This is a wonderful way to do Palanca for the Cursillo community!


HOTEL COORDINATOR - The HOTEL COORDINATOR works with the Facilities Committee Chairpersons (Angie & Rich Thomas) in the days preceding each Cursillo weekend, to ensure hotel keys have been picked up for distribution on Thursday night, hotel rooms are prepared for the Team and Candidates, snacks are purchased and Hospitality volunteers for each evening are in place.  Any questions and feedback about each weekend would be discussed with the Facilities Committee Chairpersons.  Please contact Angie & Rich Thomas at for more information.


CONFERENCE ROOM COORDINATOR - The CONFERENCE ROOM COORDINATOR works with the Facilities Committee Chairpersons (Angie & Rich Thomas). This role includes purchasing supplies for use in the Conference Room during each weekend, setting up the Conference Room on Thursday evening, cleaning up the room each evening after Team and Candidates have left the Parish Center, and cleaning up on Sunday after the Team and Candidates have left the Parish Center for the last time. Any questions and feedback about each weekend would be discussed with the Facilities Committee Chairpersons.  Please contact Angie & Rich Thomas at for more information.

Help Needed in the Parish Center During Our Next Cursillo Weekend




Many hands make light work… and that definitely applies during a Cursillo weekend.  Please consider signing-up to help manage the Parish Center during the upcoming weekend for Cursillo #1215.  We need help with cleaning, arranging the conference room, and much more.  Details about these opportunities are in the sign-up section in the Cursillistas tab on our website. 

 Women's Cursillo #1215


June 8 - 11, 2023


Holy Trinity Parish Center, 711 N Main Street, Bloomington, IL 61701




8:40 AM  IDEAL -------------------------------Marilee Bracero (Bernardo)


10:00 AM  SANCTIFYING GRACE ------------ Fr Greg Nelson


1:00 PM Lunch


2:00 PM  LAYMAN IN THE CHURCH ---------- Anne Colloton (Ed)


3:20 PM  ACTUAL GRACE ---------------------Dcn Al Lundy (Sharon)


5:10 PM Dinner


6:45 PM  PIETY ---------------------------------Teresa Morris (Troy)




8:20 AM  STUDY -------------------------------Judy Nunnery (Gary)


9:55 AM  SACRAMENTAL GRACE -------------Dcn Gary Koerner (Connie)


12:30 PM Lunch


2:30 PM  ACTION -------------------------------Karrie Ingalsbe (Steve)


4:00 PM  OBSTACLES TO GRACE --------------Rev. Jack Moody


5:20 PM Dinner


6:10 PM  LEADERS -----------------------------Diana Ropp


7:30 – 9:00 PM Apostolic Hour - Holy Trinity Church




8:10 AM  ENVIRONMENT -----------------------Leila Bussan (Matt)


8:55 AM  LIFE IN GRACE ----------------------Deacon Dan Froelich (Deb)


9:40 AM  CCIA -----------------------------------Anna McKinzie (Kirk)


10:35 PM  TOTAL SECURITY --------------------Lisa Finch (Tom)


11:55 PM  FOURTH DAY ------------------------Traci Freitag (Bob)


12:40 PM Agape Meal


3:00 PM Clausura - Holy Trinity Church


4:30 PM - Dismissal (No Social)




Judy Busch (Peter)


Jennifer Carter (Steve)


Jennifer Coppersmith (Kevin)


Teresa Dubravec (Paul)


Marta Mason


Rebecca Scott (Bobby)






Rector ---------------------Lisa Finch (Tom)


Assistant ----------------- Antonia (AJ) Abrahamsen (Christian)


Assistant ----------------- Mary Wilkey (Trent)


Technical Asst. ----------- Crystal Beemsterboer (John)


Board Advisor ------------ Gretchen Furler (Jeff)


Lay Coordinator ---------- Larry Mester (Mary)




Get Involved
Help at Next Cursillo
Join a Reunion Group
Join the Prayer Chain

** The above Action buttons will take you to a secured page on our website.   You will be prompted for ID and PW.  Please enter 2grace for both. 

Bloomington/Normal Cursillo
P.O Box 845
Bloomington, IL 61702