Clergy Corner 


Happy New Year!

All of the hectic chaotic busyness that swirls around Christmas has come and gone for another year.  I hope each of you had a joyful and blessed birthday celebration honoringthe birth of our Lord and Savior.  The time of year when we recognize that God gave us the greatest gift of all, HIMSELF in the person of Jesus Christ.

The central kernel of Christianity — that of the Incarnation, God becoming man — is a mystery, one to behold with awe and amazement, just like the Wise Men experienced on that short visit they made to that humble manger in Bethlehem. But for us, that sense of awe and amazement need not disappear after all the Christmas gifts have been opened and all the holiday parties attended. This sense of awe and amazement could be a regular disposition in our lives when we take the time to ponder the mystery of the Person of Jesus even throughout the year.

The story of the Epiphany is about the Wise Men’s encounter with the mystery of the Christ Child.  It’s important for us to remember, that can be ours every day if we choose. All we have to do is accept this gift, and make time for quiet prayer as a regular habit in our lives. Allow him to become an integral part of our everyday life.  Of course we know that this can be strengthened and nurtured through Piety, Study and Action.  For me, and maybe for you as well, one of the greatest joys is not necessarily about receiving but rather giving a gift.  So why not invite someone to Cursillo this year, that they may be presented with this most precious gift, one of awe and amazement!

Our next weekend will be a Men’s Weekend #1214 March 9 – 12. 

Masses and team meetings will begin Tuesday January 17 at 6:30. 

Hope to see you there!

Your brother-in-Christ,

Deacon Gary

Help With Music Ministry


With the return of Cursillo comes the return of a variety of volunteer opportunities…Cursillo MUSIC MINISTRY would LOVE your involvement!!!  Our “Choir” sings for several of the Cursillo weekend liturgies and also there is small group and/or solo opportunities throughout the weekend.  If you are interested in helping out with this ministry, either as a singer, playing an instrument or both contact Jana Schopp,  The only talent required is a JOYFUL HEART!


Cursillo Badges


We have a new vender for Cursillo name badges and a new price of $9.50 for either magnet or pin backs. When a batch of badges is shipped to us, I will bring them to subsequent Cursillo events for pickup. If you prefer that your badge, be mailed to your home address, please include $3.00 for postage.  Thank you! Barb Fulk 309- 750-0234 or



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** The above Action buttons will take you to a secured page on our website.   You will be prompted for ID and PW.  Please enter 2grace for both. 

Bloomington/Normal Cursillo
P.O Box 845
Bloomington, IL 61702